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[Review] Lego Batman The Movie: Batman Versi Lego Jauh Lebih Awesome!

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Title: Lego Batman The Movie (2017)
Casts: Will Arnett, Zach Galifianakis, Rosario Dawson, Michael Cera, Jenny Slate, Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, Zoê Kravitz, Adam Devine, Riki Lindhome
Director: Chris McKay
Studio: WarnerBros Pictures

Batman/Bruce Wayne (Will Arnett) berhasil menggagalkan rencana Joker dan anak buahnya menghancurkan Gotham City. Keberhasilan Batman itu membuat dirinya selalu dielu-elukan oleh penduduk Gotham City. Batman/Bruce Wayne selalu over percaya-diri bahwa penduduk sipil akan selalu aman dan tentram karena ada ia yang selalu melindungi.Namun suatu ketika, Joker malah menyerahkan diri ke Batman dan ingin dijebloskan saja ke Crypton Asylum. Alasan ia menyerahkan diri lantaran Batman tidak menganggap Joker sebagai musuh utamanya.Melihat Joker beserta anak buahnya menyerahkan diri, tak membuat Batman langsung percaya, ia yakin ada maksud dan tujuan tertentu Joker melakukan hal tersebut.Usai Joker dan anak buahnya menyerahkan diri, kehidupan Crypton Asylum menjadi aman dan tentram. Kepala Kepolisian Gotham City lalu pensiun dan posisinya digantikan oleh anak perempuannya bernama Barbara. Ia lalu mengusulkan agar penduduk dan kepolisian Gotham City bekerjasama dalam memberantas kejahatan bersama Batman.Batman lantas menolak usul calon penerus kepolisian itu. Ia yakin bahwa tanpa campur tangan kepolisian dan penduduk, Gotham City akan aman ditangannya sendiri.Batman tidak tinggal diam, ia mencoba untuk melenyapkan Joker selama-selamanya dengan cara mengirimnya ke Phantom Zone. Satu-satunya cara adalah mencuri alat pengirim ke Phantom Zone yang dimana alat tersebut berada di tangan Superman, musuh sekaligus saingannya Batman. Beruntung Batman dibantu oleh Dick Greyson. Seorang remaja yatim piatu penggemar berat Batman yang tak sengaja Batman angkat menjadi anak-angkat. Dick rela mempertaruhkan nyawanya untuk mencuri senjata dari Superman demi Idola sekaligus ayah angkatnya itu.Apakah Batman berhasil menjalankan misinya? Lalu apa yang sebenarnya yang sedang direncanakan oleh Joker?
Jika kamu termasuk penonton yang HATERS terhadap BATMAN V SUPERMAN (2015) kemarin atau DC Films secara keseluruhan seperti saya, sepertinya LEGO BATMAN MOVIE (2017) ini akan menjadi another entertaining movie from DC Comics after SUICIDE SQUAD (2016)!Film BATMAN versi LEGO ini hampir berbanding terbalik dengan film-film adaptasi DC Comics pada umumnya (terutama Batman dan Superman). Sang sutradara menghadirkan Batman versi LEGO dengan penuh keseruan, penuh banyol receh serta cerita yang colorful. tidak "dark" kayak biasanya.LEGO BATMAN MOVIE (2017) ini ibarat film-film superhero dari Marvel Cinematic Universe dimana porsi action, komedi hingga drama semuanya ngeblend dengan baik.Thumbs up untuk porsi komedi disini. LEGO BATMAN MOVIE (2017) tak tanggung-tanggung menghadirkan hiburan komedi yang amat receh dibanyak adegan. Bahkan film Batman versi manusia, Superman, hingga DC Cinematic Universe pun dijadikan bahan komedi oleh Batman versi Lego. Kegilaan LEGO BATMAN MOVIE semakin menggila setelah muncul deretan villain. WarnerBros Pictures menghadirkan villain-villain iconic dari film-film produksi mereka. Sebut saja satu ya. Voldemort. GILA! Batman ngelawan villain terberat dari Harry Potter cuy! Hahahah!Jangan lupakan juga sisi drama di LEGO BATMAN MOVIE (2017). Peran Bruce Wayne disini cukup sukses dalam segi drama yang ia bangun bersama ayah dan anak angkatnya. Alasan sifat dan karakter Batman seperti itu dijelaskan dengan amat baik disini. Beda dengan di BVS (2015) yang jelek banget itu haha.Ensemble voice-over LEGO BATMAN MOVIE (2017) ini juga sangat berhasil mengundang tawa. Will Arnett memberikan performa suara terbaiknya untuk karakter Batman. Sisi komedi, action dan mengharukannya disuarakan dengan baik oleh beliau. Jika selama ini karakter Joker di film DC Comics manapun digambarkan sebagai villain yang menyeramkan dan psikopat, di versi LEGO nya, Joker hadir sebagai villain yang gampang BAPERAN. Batman-Joker Lego Version is the best bro-mance animated so far! HahaOverall, LEGO BATMAN MOVIE (2017) is one of the best animated movie in first 2017! Gue jadi berharap, semoga superhero versi manusia dari DC Films bisa dibuat se-terang kayak gini biar ga keliatan "gelap" mulu! Haha
THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE (2017) is really entertaining animated movie! Feels like DC Films combined with Marvel Films Style!

[Review] Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2: Akhir Dongeng Cinta Arini & Pras

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Title: Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2 (2017)
Casts: Laudya Cynthia Bella, Fedi Nuril, Raline Shah, Reza Rahadian, Sandrina Michelle, Tantan Ginting, Kemal Palevi, Nora Danish
Director: Hanung Bramantyo
Studio: MD Pictures

Kini, kehidupan Arini (Laudya Cynthia Bella) dan Pras (Fedi Nuril) semakin lengkap dan bahagia. Dikaruniai anak perempuan yang cantik dan baik hati (Sandrina Michelle) serta adik kecilnya Akbar, titipan dari MeiRose (Raline Shah) yang memutuskan untuk pergi dari bahtera rumah tangga Arini dan Pras.
Kesuksesan Buku Istana Bintang membuat Arini meraih popularitas. Puncaknya, ia diundang oleh kedutaan di Budapest untuk bedah buku dan seminar di Rumah Sakit anak.
Rupanya takdir mempertemukan kembali Keluarga Arini dengan Meirose di Budapest. Meirose sekarang sudah menjadi wanita sholehah, aktif dikegiatan umat islam di Budapest serta tengah menjalin kedekatan dengan seorang dokter bernama Syarief Kristoff (Reza Rahadian).
Ditengah rutinitas padatnya sebagai penulis buku, Kondisi kesehatan Arini perlahan lahan mengalami penurunan. Namun Arini menyembunyikan kondisi penurunan kesehatannya pada orang-orang terdekatnya. Arini kemudian mempunyai sebuah amanat pada suami sebelum semuanya berakhir.

Hanung Bramantyo sukses membawa SURGA YANG TAK DIRINDUKAN 2 (2017) ke level bukan drama biasa. Peningkatan kualitas dari seri sebelumnya yaitu SURGA YANG TAK DIRINDUKAN (2015) ini cukup meningkat.Semua pemain diberi jatah konflik yang cukup rumit dan dilematis. Hanung juga mengerahkan segala kemampuannya untuk mengeksplor kualitas akting dari keempat pemain utama termasuk Sandrina Michelle yang memerankan Nadia. Hanung begitu totalitas mengeksplor aking Sandrina dan termasuk moment terbaik dalam Film SURGA YANG TAK DIRINDUKAN 2 (2017).Adegan menguras air mata dan emosi disajikan dengan elegan tidak lebay seperti sinetron religi pada umumnya.Reza Rahadian is never to failed. Kehadiran Dr. Syarief bener-bener membuat konflik antara Pras, Arini dan Meirose makin kompleks.Endingnya pun dikemas dengan amat penuh air mata serta cukup memberikan shocked-therapy. HahaSoundtrack dari KRISDAYANTI berjudul DALAM KENANGAN sangat sukses mengiringi ending dari cerita cinta dari Pras, Arini dan Meirose. Film Drama Indonesia Terbaik diawal tahun 2017 ini so far!


[Review] Lion: Terima Kasih Google Earth!

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Title: Lion (2017)
Casts: Dev Patel, Rooney Mara, Sunny Pawar, Nicole Kidman, David Wenham
Director: Garth Davis
Studio: See-Saw Films, Aquarius Films, The Weinstein Company

Bercerita tentang seorang anak kecil asal India bernama Saroo (Sunny Pawar) yang terpisah dengan keluarganya disebuah stasiun kereta. Saroo terpisah hingga 1600an kilometer dan mustahil bisa kembali lagi ke tempat tinggalnya. Ia hanya bisa mengingat kata "Ganeshtalay" dan mampu berbahasa Hindi saja.Banyak peristiwa yang dialami Saroo, mulai dari dikejar pihak keamanan, hampir menjadi korban human trafficking hingga masuk panti asuhan.Keberuntungan rupanya menghampiri Saroo. Ia diadopsi oleh sebuah keluarga yang tinggal di Australia. Saroo lalu diajak tinggal ke Australia tepatnya di Tasmania. Saroo (Dev Patel) kemmudian tumbuh besar dan penuh limpahan kasih sayang dari kedua orangtua asuhnya. Saroo kini sudah hidup bahagia. Namun, diusianya yang semakin dewasa, keinginan Saroo untuk menemukan keluarga aslinya kembali muncul. Hal ini didukung oleh beberapa teman kampusnya serta sang kekasih, Lucy (Rooney Mara) yang selalu mensupport Saroo.Dengan bantuan teknologi Google Earth, Saroo berusaha mengingat dimana ia terakhir meninggalkan rumah dan asalnya dari mana. 
Sinopsis diatas mungkin sudah banyak beberapa judul film atau bahkan FTV yang menjadikannya sebagai premis cerita. Untungnya LION (2016) tidak menjadi drama yang mengeksploitasi sisi dramatis yang berlebihan. LION (2016) justru tampil mengalir dan masuk akal.Penggunaan Teknologi sebagai media untuk menemukan "jalan pulang" menjadi kekuatan tersendiri dari LION (2016). Disini Dev Patel memberikan permainan emosional yang mengesankan. Rasa dilema sangat terpancar dari akting Dev Patel ketika harus memilih diantara kehidupannya yang sekarang atau tetap mencari keluarga sebenarnya. Jajaran pemain terkuat berikutnya hadir lewat Nicole Kidman yg berperan sebagai Ibu Angkat dari Saroo. Ekspresi beliau saat mengetahui Saroo ingin mengetahui asal usulnya sungguh menyentuh perasaan.Visual pun harus diakui cukup memberikan poin selanjutnya dari LION (2016). Australia dan India tampak begitu penuh arti disini. Penggunaan "satelit view" di paruh akhir film cukup sukses memberikan pengalaman nostalgia lewat akting Dev Patel sebagai Saroo. Dan puncaknya.. End credit scene menampilkan tribute to Saroo Family beserta short-videonya. Dijamin tumpah air mata bahagia usai menonton film ini. Heartwarming!


[Review] Hacksaw Ridge: Perjuangan Tentara Di Medan Perang TanpaMenggunakan Senjata

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Title: Hacksaw Ridge (2017)
Casts: Andrew Garfield, Teresa Palmer, Vince Vaughn, Luke Bracey, Sam Worthington, Luke Pegler, Nathaniel Buzolic, Ryan Corr
Director: Mel Gibson
Studio: Cross Creek Pictures, Demarest Pictures, Summit Entertainment

Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield) tumbuh dikeluarga yang boleh dibilang "minim kasih sayang" terutama dari sang ayah. Bersama sang adik, ia sudah terbiasa dengan adanya perkelahian dan baku hantam. Didikan ala militer yang ayahnya berikan membuat keduanya ketika beranjak dewasa ingin menjadi pasukan tentara melawan penjajah. Hati mereka merasa terpanggil untuk membela negara yang terjajah. Namun, usaha Desmond rupanya tak mudah.Meninggalkan sang kekasih Dorothy (Teresa Palmer) yang seorang perawat, Desmond menjalani berbagai macam pelatihan akademi militer. Namun dua syarat yang diajukan Desmond ketika akan terjun ke medan perang menuai kontroversi. Syarat yang diajukan olehnya yaitu, Desmond tidak ingin memakai senjata dan Ia izin hari sabtu tidak mengikuti perang lantaran Sabtu adalah hari suci untuk beribadah.Desmond hanya ingin menjadi petugas paramedis peperangan karena dalam agama yang dianutnya, membunuh adalah haram hukumnya meskipun itu merupakan peperangan membela negara.Para tentara lain hingga atasannya pun mencoba menggoyahkan iman Desmond untuk kembali berfikir mengenai terjun ke medan perang tanpa senjata satupun. Mulai dari cara verbal hingga jalur pengadilan sudah mereka lakukan, namun Desmond tetap berpegang teguh dengan pendiriannya.Hingga akhirnya ia tetap bertekad untuk berpartisipasi dalam perang Okinawa meskipun tanpa senjata. Karena tujuan utama Desmond bergabung bukanlah untuk berperang, melainkan menyelamatkan nyawa orang banyak.
Secara mengejutkan, film arahan Mel Gibson ini mempunyai genre action-religi yang sangat kental. Namun hal itu tak lantas membuat HACKSAW RIDGE (2016) penuh dengan dalil-dalil atau ceramah tentang religi. Mel Gibson memberikan sentuhan religi pada film action-war ini dengan sangat universal tidak menjurus kepada satu atau dua agama saja. HACKSAW RIDGE (2016) juga tak cuma sekedar memberikan cerita dar-der-dor semata, ia memberikan gambaran bagaimana tetap berpegang teguh pada prinsip sekalipun banyak pihak yang mencoba menggoyahkan prinsipnya.Intense action-war nya di HACKSAW RIDGE (2016) pun digambarkan begitu ngeri dan LAMA! Hampir 1.5jam full dengan adegan perang yang megah sekaligus horror. Mel Gibson memvisualkan Perang Okinawa tanpa batasan sensor. Bener-bener dibuat ngeri disepanjang adegan perang itu. Potongan tubuh, kepala tertembak, jantung tertebas pisau, isi perut keluar dan hal hal ngeri lainnya ditampilkan begitu horror.Jajaran pemain pun tampil nyaris tanpa cela. Andrew Garfield sang Amazing SpiderMan disini memberikan performa terbaiknya. Kesan charming serta memegang teguh semua prinsip yang diyakininya sangatlah sempurna dan sukses menaruh simpati penonton. Jajaran pemain lainnya pun tampil tak kalah bersinar. Para prajurit pun digambarkan se realistis mungkin tak ada satu atau dua karakter yang over. Semuanya sungguh memukau.Tak heran jika HACKSAW RIDGE (2016) ini masuk nominasi BEST PICTURE di Ajang OSCARS 2017. Really deserved it!


[Review] Arrival: Sulitnya Memahami Bahasa Makhluk Asing

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Title: Arrival (2017)
Casts: Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker, Michael Stuhlbarg
Director: Denis Villeneuve
Studio: Paramaount Pictures, Sony Pictures, FilmNation Entertainment, Lava Bear Pictures

Louise Banks (Amy Adams) seorang ahli bahasa diminta oleh Dewan Pertahanan Dunia untuk mengetahui maksud dan tujuan pemilik pesawat berbentuk cobek itu yang baru saja mendarat di 12 bagian belahan bumi. Louise tidak sendirian, ia ditemani oleh ahli scientist bernama Ian Donelly (Jeremy Renner).Pesawat yang berbentuk mirip cobek itu akan terbuka tiap 18 jam sekali. Louise, Ian beserta team lainnya kemudian memanfaatkan terbukanya pesawat itu untuk masuk. Setelah berhasil masuk, mereka mencoba melakukan komunikasi dengan "penghuni" pesawat itu lewat tulisan.Sementara itu, disisi lainnya, Penduduk bumi diberbagai belahan dunia semakin panic dan perbincangan untuk melakukan perlawanan terhadap ke 12 pesawat itu.
Harus diakui, Trailer ARRIVAL (2016) yang diunggah ini hampir berbanding terbalik dengan keseluruhan filmnya. Jika kalian berharap ini film tentang Alien yang penuh aksi action menggelegar atau space-war yang bombastis mungkin akan sedikit kecewa. ARRIVAL (2016) ini memberikan cerita yang mendalam tentang takdir namun dengan penambahan unsur fiksi ilmiah berupa sosok Alien.ARRIVAL (2016) ini tipikal film penuh dialog serta bagaikan menyusun sebuah kepingan puzzle yang dimana penonton dituntut untuk jeli pada setiap dialog yang terucap. ARRIVAL (2016) tergolong film alien yang cukup realistis. Faktor kesulitan berkomunikasi dengan mahkluk luar angkasa digambarkan dengan amat baik. Kita bisa melihat seorang ahli bahasa menerjemahkan bahasa Heptapods disini sangat meyakinkan. Sangat disarankan nonton film ARRIVAL (2016) dalam kondisi yang segar biar enak ketika ngerasain sensasi Twist diakhir yang cukup unik dan cerdas. Twist yang dihadirkan ini sebetulnya sudah sedikit dimunculkan secara perlahan dari paruh awal film. Usai menonton pun, Film ARRIVAL (2016) masih layak untuk terus dibahas mengenai ending cerita serta maksud dan tujuan sebenarnya dari Alien itu datang ke bumi. Let's disscuss!


[Review] Split: Cerita Menegangkan Tentang Manusia Dengan Identitas Super Ganda

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Title: Split (2017)
Casts: James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy, Betty Buckley, Jessica Sula, Haley Lu Richardson
Director: M. Night Shyamalan
Studio: Universal Pictures

Usai merayakan ulang tahunnya, Casey beserta kedua temannya Marcia dan Claire diculik oleh Kevin (James McAvoy). Casey dan kedua temannya pun mencoba berbagai cara untuk bisa melarikan diri dari sekapan Kevin. Namun, usahanya sia-sia dan mereka kemudian mengetahui fakta ternyata Kevin merupakan seorang pasien yang memiliki 23 kepribadian dalam dirinya. Kepribadian Kevin bahkan bisa berubah dalam sekejap menjadi seorang wanita, pria tua hingga anak-anak. Perubahan kepribadian dalam diri Kevin itu coba dipelajari oleh Casey.Disisi lainnya, ketika Kevin juga rutin bertemu dengan dokter psikolog nya bernama Ms.Fletcher dengan memakai identitas Barry. Gerak-gerik Kevin pun terus dipantau oleh Ms.Fletcher. Hingga suatu hari, terungkaplah bahwa Kevin juga mempunyai satu lagi kepribadian dalam dirinya yang belum keluar dari diri Kevin. Kepribadian yang ke-24 itu yang konon berbahaya dan jauh lebih kuat dibandingkan identitas lainnya akan muncul setelah menyekap ketiga perempuan itu.
M.Night Shyamalan sepertinya terus memperbaiki "nama baiknya" setelah THE HAPPENING (2008), THE LAST AIRBENDER (2010) dan AFTER EARTH (2013) berhasil mencoreng nama baik sebagai sutradara di Industri Hollywood. Gara-gara ketiga film tersebut, karir M.Night Shyamalan disebut-sebut sudah berakhir. Masa keemasan M.Night Shyamalan hanya tinggal kenangan. Karya beliau yaitu THE SIXTH SENSE (1999), UNBREAKABLE (2000), SIGNS (2002) dan THE VILLAGE (2004) menjadi film masterpiece beliau yang takkan pernah bisa dilupakan. Tahun lalu, THE VISIT (2015) karya M.Night Shyamalan disebut-sebut sebagai ajang "comeback" nya beliau dengan hasil yang cukup memuaskan. THE VISIT (2015) merupakan salah satu film horror dengan ide cerita original yang cukup fresh.Tahun 2017 ini pun beliau kembali menghadirkan karya terbarunya berjudul SPLIT (2017). Shyamalan menunjukkan performa terbaiknya disini. Intense ketegangan SPLIT (2017) sukses ditebar dengan rapi dari awal film. Jika biasanya dalam kebanyakan film, satu karakter hanya memiliki maksimal 2 karakter yg berbeda, di SPLIT (2017) ini tokoh utama dituntut memiliki 24 karakter sekaligus! Warbiyasah.Charles Xavier eh, James McAvoy sukses memerankan sosok Kevin yang memiliki 24 kepribadian tersebut. Perpindahan satu identitas ke identitas lainnya dilakukan nyaris tanpa cela dan total. Meskipun tidak semua identitas ditampilkan, Sosok Kevin, Barry, Patricia, Hedwig, Dennis hingga The Beast tampil meyakinkan dengan gesture yang berbeda-beda.Seperti sudah tradisi, Shyamalan selalu menghadirkan unpredictable twist difilmnya. SPLIT (2017) pun demikian. Sensasi twist yang dihadirkan di SPLIT (2017) se-bangke THE VISIT (2015). Fresh dan bener-bener unpredictable!

[Review] La La Land: Film Musikal Paling Membekas Di Hati

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Title: La La Land (2017)
Casts: Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, John Legend, Rosemarie DeWitt, Callie Hernandez, Jessica Rottenberg
Director: Damien Chazelle
Studio: Summit Entertainment, Black Label Media, TIK Films

Ditengah kemacetan di jalan bebas hambatan Los Angeles, Mia Dolan (Emma Stone) dan Sebastian Wilder (Ryan Gosling) dipertemukan. Keduanya bertemu dalam kondisi yang tidak menyenangkan. Mia, seorang karyawan part-time di sebuah cafe yang memiliki cita-cita ingin menjadi seorang aktris Hollywood dengan mengikuti casting sana-sini. Sedangkan Sebastian adalah seorang musisi jazz yang selalu berprinsip teguh tetap memainkan jazz tradisional dan mempunyai cita-cita membuka sebuah Club Jazz.Bagaikan takdir, Mia dan Sebastian kemudian dipertemukan kembali dalam sebuah pesta. Atas kesamaan passion serta cita-citanya, keduanya kemudian menjadi dekat dan menjalin hubungan asmara. Bermusim-musim berlalu, hubungan asmara keduanya mengalami ujian yang berkaitan juga dengan passion yang mereka miliki.
Ah! Pokoknya sepanjang film LA LA LAND (2017) diputar, gue hanya bisa menangis bahagia bahkan super girang kayak anak kecil dikasih cokelat. Dibuka dengan aksi musikal di tengah jalan tol serta melibatkan ratusan orang, Film LA LA LAND (2017) sukses mengangkat mood penonton untuk tersenyum dan mengikuti irama dalam film. Ibarat dalam urusan asmara, Film LA LA LAND (2017) ini berhasil bikin gue jatuh cinta pandangan pertama. Scene demi scene berikutnya pun dihadirkan sangat musikal khas tahun 50-60'an namun tetap bersetting waktu pada masa kini. Ciri khas musikal, gaya tari dan kostum di film ini sungguh mempesona.Damien Chazelle tidak terjebak dengan skenario klise atau hanya bermodal musikal saja. Disini, ia memberikan cerita yang apik tentang perjuangan meraih mimpi, passion hingga mengorbankan satu hal yang paling penting hidup kedua karakter yang sangat memikat dan bikin nyesek (banget).Kharisma kuat seorang Ryan Gosling serta impressive performance dari Emma Stone semakin menyempurnakan film ini. Keduanya berhasil memikat penonton lewat chemistry yang amat romantis. Suka refleks merasakan kebahagiaan ketika Mia dan Sebastian akhirnya dipertemukan. Perayaan tiap pertemuan itu sangat terasa berkesan setelah segala hal yang telah mereka lalui bersama selama beberapa musim.Penggunaan "seasons" dalam film ini pun semakin membuat perjalanan kisah Mia dan Sebastian penuh warna. Kebahagiaan, kekecewaan hingga kesedihan yang "nyelekit" ditampilkan dengan amat baik dalam film ini.Dan benar kata orang-orang diluaran sana yang sudah nonton LA LA LAND (2017) duluan. Ending film ini emang SANGAT BAPER. Ditambah lagi dengan scene "seandainya.." itu.. Duh nyesss banget bagi kaum lelaki. Tak heran jika Film LA LA LAND (2017) ini sukses memborong banyak sekali awards pada ajang Golden Globes 2017 hingga di ajang Oscar 2017 juga LA LA LAND (2017) meraih banyak penghargaan! Emma Stone menjadi Best Actress!
#FYI: Di film ini, Negara Indonesia dipuji loh tentang Hospitality serta suasananya oleh salah satu pemain. Laporin akun GNFI gih. Biar jadi Trending Topic! 😂


[Review] Security Ugal-Ugalan: Kekonyolan Para Satuan Pengamanan

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Title: Security Ugal-Ugalan (2017)
Casts: Indro Warkop, Dimas Beck, Alexa Key. Lolox, Muhadlky Ucho, Sadana Agung, Duo Serigala
Director: Irham Acho Bachtiar
Studio: MD Pictures

Bercerita tentang Jendral Indro (Indro Warkop), pimpinan Security Megapolitan yang baru saja diminta untuk menjaga tempat lahan proyek pembangunan bersama anak-anak buahnya yaitu Acho (Muhadkly Acho), Lolox (Lolox SUCA) dan Dana (Sadana Agung). Ketika menjaga lahan proyek tersebut, datanglah para preman yang selalu meminta jatah pada pemilik proyek. Harusnya melawan, ketiga anak buah Jendral Indro malah kabur dan Jendral Indro pun menjadi korban dipukuli oleh para preman.Atas kejadian tersebut, Jendral Indro dirawat dan memutuskan untuk mengadakan pelatihan lebih intens terhadap anak-anak buahnya di Security Megapolitan. Dibantu oleh asistennya yang sangat besar yaitu Ovi (Ovi Duo Serigala) dan Pamela (Pamela Duo Serigala), Jendral Indro melatih para anak buahnya mulai dari senior seperti Alan (Dimas Beck) hingga yang junior seperti Acho, Lolox dan Dana. Beberapa security perempuan juga tak lupa ia ajarkan seperti Anggie (Alexa Key).
Tidak ada sesuatu yang fresh or new dari Film SECURITY UGAL-UGALAN (2017). Penggarapannya pun hanya terlihat seperti sitkom. Perpindahan dari satu scene ke scene lain pun cukup kasar dan cerita dari tiap scene pun selalu tidak diselesaikan malah dibiarkan begitu saja. Beruntung, beberapa komedi yang dilontarkan lewat Acho, Lolox dan Dana cukup sukses menghibur. Receh abis.Alexa Key dan Duo Serigala pun difilm ini CUMA sebatas penyegar kaum pria saja. Kemampuan akting keduanya tidak tereksplor sama sekali. Duo Serigala justru cuma bermodal "besar" doang. Dialog dan akting nya cuma juga cuma gitu doang, ditambah gesture dribble ditiap gesturenya yang cukup bikin mata para pria terbuka lebaar...... Padahal pada BTS nya, Duo Serigala cukup menghibur ketika sedang tidak berakting. HahaDimas Beck yang tampil sebagai villain pun digarap kurang strong. Hal sepele yang menjadi penyebab balas dendam pun semakin membuat karakter Alan terlihat cemen. Andai konfliknya digarap lebih dalem pasti akan lebih bisa menyelamatkan film ini.



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Bollywood famous actor Sunny Deol is in the last timetable of his up and coming film Bhaiyaaji Superhit. This film is under making process from numerous years and stayed in the news for individual issues between the makers. As indicated by Sunny Deol, he needs to finish the film in any case. This film incorporates the stars Preity Zinta and Amisha Patel in the principle leads alongside Sunny Deol. 

Arshad Warsi is likewise there in the film. Sunny will be seen again in his mark activity symbol in this film. All things considered, the performing artist conceived on 19 October 1957, in Sahnewal, Punjab is an eminent performer of Hindi Movies. Be that as it may, he is extremely preservationist with regards to his own life. 

Discussing his marriage, he has married that everybody knows, except no one knows when he got married. There is one photograph of his marriage on the Internet, which is really a cover photograph of a magazine of UK. The distribute date of this magazine is said as 1984 July. This photograph is inscribed with Exclusive Sunny Weds In England. Indeed, this post is fake or genuine just Sunny knows or his significant other or perhaps his relatives. We as a whole are set to watch his pending film Bhaiyyaji Superhit.

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For Poonam Pandey, Holi is not a celebration of color but rather an approach to drag the consideration of her fans. Once more, she posted a picture from her video saying, "And the Brand New Holi Video is here… Happy Holi ahead of time appreciate". The video was transferred on Pandey's youtube direct components her in a white swimming outfit enjoying some enjoyment with color, finishing with Holi wishes for her fans. Folks, it's truly ridiculously hot.

Poonam started her profession as a model and Bollywood Movies actress. She rose to media spotlight when she guaranteed to strip for the Indian cricket group on the off chance that it won the 2011 Cricket World Cup.


The greatest contention around the model happened when an altered photo of hers including her naked, beside Sachin changed as a Hindu God and a Pakistani cricketer bowing down to him showed up in a main day by day. Her video 'Lavatory Secrets' was obstructed by Youtube as it was excessively provocative for Indian groups of onlookers.

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Top 5 Immaculate Celeb Wonders Whose Age Shocked Us

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Being a major name can be an annoying lifestyle, overflowing with paparazzi and weight. In any case, there are in like manner its upsides – there's a whole class of whizzes in Hollywood who appear to have found the wellspring of youth, and look course more energetic than their genuine years. See what stars' genuine ages you'll be baffled by. These stars really don't get more settled, and their brightness is blessed!

1. Jennifer Lopez, 47
At 47 and a mother of two, Jennifer Lopez looks better than most young women in their twenties. Her body is insane and there's not a wrinkle in sight – it's hard to get an unpleasant edge on this blessed messenger. She truly doesn't look as though she's developed a year in decades. At 47 she is a top Hollywood Movies Star with many award wining performance. 

2. Halle Berry, 50
Halle Berry isn't all magnificence and brains – she was resolved to have diabetes at an energetic age, and reliably expected to keep an eye out for her prosperity. That hyper care provoked to the star managing herself more, and realized an incredibly vivacious cutie at age 50. 

3. Christy Brinkley, 62
The star has her own specific powerful skincare line, and we don't know why everyone isn't getting it – we would in case it could achieve taking after this at 62! The way this woman looks in a swimming outfit is quite recently mind boggling. She claims to not use botox by any extend of the creative energy, and that smiling is the best approach to staying young!
4. Elle Macpherson, 52
Elle Macpherson cases to not consider the "numbers on the scales" and spotlights on "inspiration, energy, and quality." Alright, furthermore she ought to drink from the wellspring of youth since in any case she looks like an adolescent at age 52. No huge shock her moniker is "The Body"!

5. Gwen Stefani, 47
We don't know how Gwen is a mother of three, and still looks the same as her young No Doubt self with that stamp dark red lip. The rocker is truly 46 years old! She ensures that start to look all starry peered toward at and her eagerness for music has kept her fiery, in any case we think it might just be extraordinary qualities. Enjoy and Download 2017 Latest English Movies Collection at movies4star.

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Salman Khan Lunch To Andriod Smart Phones

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Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan is beginning another wander. Salman Khan soon to dispatch his own particular image of android cell phones named as BeingSmart. The new pursuit will totally concentrate on section and mid-level smarthpones. As of now, Salman Khan is collecting a very expert operational administration group. The administration group would be going by experienced experts from the organizations like Samsung and Micromax – both organizations being basically in cell phone making business.You can also enjoy Salman Khan 2017 Latest Movie on this smart phon at just single click.

Allegedly, an assembling plant has been chosen in China. The telephones will convey the label BeingSmart and would be fabricated in a similar unit. Salman or individuals from his family will take coordinate real shareholding in the new pursuit.

The cell phones would be sold through online channels. The disconnected appropriation and offers of BeingSmart items would experience the retail locations of Being Human – another wander drove by Salman Khan. Upon the positive reaction, the telephones will be accessible at major electronic retail locations.

India is the quickest developing cell phone advertise, BeingSmart android telephones would specifically contend with Chinese brands, for example, – Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi. Dabangg star had already attempted to enter the cell phone showcase, two years back. Be that as it may, cell phone produces pulled out as Salman requested high eminence charges.

Hollywood Media Addressed Deepika Padukone As Priyanka Chopra Watch Her Reaction…

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At the point when a big name is tended to wrongly, it is in fact a cumbersome minute for him/her, would it say it isn't? Also, when a VIP is tended to by contender's name, it turns into all the all the more humiliating.

Deepika Padukone confronted a similar circumstance, when she was by erroneously tended to as Priyanka Chopra. Most likely, Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone have turned out to be extremely well known in Hollywood, however it appears that American media is thinking that its hard to separate between the pair. Enjoy best Action Movies at movies4star at just single click.

Numerous a circumstances, both these on-screen characters have been looked at as far as mold and acting, however wrongly tending to Deepika as Priyanka was a BLUNDER!

This happened when Deepika was at the Los Angeles International Airport (Maybe for the post-Oscars party); columnists exhibit there presented her as Priyanka and this was unquestionably an uh oh minute for her.


This was so decent of Deepika; rather than responding or getting enraged, she favored leaving tranquilly. What's your interpretation of this? Do share your perspectives in our remarks segment beneath.

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The Devils Double 2011 Full Free Movie | Movie Review

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Baghdad, 1987. The country is about to explode, to live a revolution after the abuses of power and political corruption in which it is plunged. However, Prince Noir Oudaï Hussein, the eldest son and chief heir of dictator Saddam Hussein, seems to live out of everything, in his realm of perversion and despotism: he only thinks of himself, of sleeping with the women who please him in every Moment or in appropriating the assets of others by force. Enjoy 2017 Latest Action Movies without paying any amount for that.

But after the events that are happening and the hive in which the city has become, his father is afraid that the citizens will take justice by his hand and murder his son. That is why he will force one of his guards, Latif Yahia ('Dominic Cooper,' The Duchess') to pretend to be him. If you do not comply with this order, you will have your whole family executed.

Latif will have no choice but to submit to his boss's plans, and he will begin a new life by playing the role of Oudaï Hussein, the most powerful man, but also the most hated and feared man in the whole country. Get all  English Movies collection at movies4star and enjoy with your family and friends at your home.

Download Commando 2 2017 Full Movie

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Commando 2, featuring Vidyut Jammwal, Adah Sharma and Esha Gupta, is the continuation of 2013's sleeper-hit Commando. Will Commando 2 experience the desires? Here is our Commando 2 motion picture audit. 

In Commando, Vidyut Jammwal truly had a 'phata poster nikla hero' - he tears through a notice of Force (which, unexpectedly, is his presentation film). His Captain Karan Vir Dogra somersaulted and scissor-kicked his route, beat up a multitude of men without any assistance, safeguarded a young lady and conveyed a neighborhood goon to equity. Commando 2 denote the arrival of the outrageous tricks (all done by Vidyut, with no trick duplicates or saddles) and plot winds that keep you on the edge of your seat. Enjoy best Action Movie at just single hit from movies4star.

Karan, now an individual from the Special Cell, proceeds with his 'one-man army' act from the past film. At the point when Vicky Chaddha, the go-to dark tax criminal for all the degenerate netas and agents is caught in Malaysia, a unique group is shaped to bring him back. Headed by ACP Bakatawar (Freddy Daruwala), the group has experience expert and fashionista Bhavana Reddy (Adah Sharma), programmer Zafar Hussain and Karan. Vicky's hot spouse Maria (Esha Gupta) persuades Karan that they are being made a substitute since somebody should be made the terrible person. Is there more to their story than meets the eye? Get all Latest 2017 Hindi Movies collection in HD quality print.


Vidyut has incredible screen nearness and claims the activity scenes. In the event that you thought you had seen it all when Vidyut somersaulted over a moving auto, your breath will stop when he slides under one. Be that as it may, after a point, the stretched out firearm fight starts to feel like a session of Counter Strike. 

It is hard to consider extreme cop Adah Sharma important when she continues discussing how she can't hold up to escape her obligation and begin shopping at the closest shopping center, however Commando 2 tries hard to demonstrate her as more than only a vacuous young lady. Esha Gupta as the puzzling maiden in trouble (or is it femme fatale?) makes a decent showing with regards to, while Freddy Daruwala plays his quality, the baddie. Be that as it may, it is Vidyut who conveys the film on his shoulders. 


Commando 2 is high on patriotism, however a few sections feel somewhat constrained. Zafar, the PC programmer who has never held a weapon in his life, is inquired as to why he turned into a cop as opposed to seeking after a more productive calling like IT. No one would relate the name Zafar Hussain with a nationalist, he enthusiastically says, so he got to be distinctly resolved to demonstrate them wrong and set out his life for the nation. When he is murdered, Vidyut announces, "Tumne saabit kar diya." 

Demonetisation is said in going in one exchange. Given that Commando 2 rotates around the quest for dark cash, somewhat more of the subject could have been investigated. 

It would seem that debutant film chief Deven Bhojani learnt from the defects of Commando, and aggravating tunes don't divert from the quick paced waiting amusement that plays out on the screen. The huge tune of the film, the reevaluated Hare Krishna Hare Ram (initially from Akshay Kumar Bhool Bhulaiyaa), comes amid the end credits. 

Commando 2 does not investigate a novel topic - it's the great versus malicious - yet the high-voltage activity makes this an engaging one for fanatics of the class.

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Download Moonlight 2017 Full Movie

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Moonlight is the delicate, tragic story of a young fellow's battle to get himself, told crosswise over three characterizing parts throughout his life as he encounters the happiness, torment, and excellence of experiencing passionate feelings for, while pondering his own sexuality. Star casting of the movie are Alex r. Hibbert, Asthon Sanders,  Duan Sanderson, Herman Caheel Mcgloun, Jaden Piner, Shariif Earp, Mahershala  All, Movie is direct by Barry Jenkins.

Movie won Golden Globe Award and Oscar 2017 for best motion pictures. Movie nominated for the Golden Globe Award for best Director. 

This movie divided into three parts that we are going to explain in this article.

Part 1

In Miami, a street pharmacist named Juan (Mahershala Ali) meets with one of his young men close to the moron gaps around the local area. An addict is madly attempting to purchase something off the other man, yet he is ceaselessly dismisses.

Juan passes by a gap in which a young man (Alex Hibbert) has been pursued into by a gathering of spooks. The domineering jerks toss rocks at the window before taking off. Juan pulls off a wooden board from the window and finds the kid covering up. He takes the kid out to get nourishment and asks him his name, however the kid never reacts. Juan conveys him to the home of his girl friend Teresa (Janelle Monae), where the kid at last says his name is Chiron; however alternate children call him "Little."

Next day, Juan takes Chiron back to his home. His mom Paula (Naomie Harris) brings Chiron inside and keeps him away from Juan as he tries to state his goodbye.

A gathering of schoolboys play on a field close to the railroad tracks. Chiron leaves the gathering and is trailed by his lone companion Kevin (Jaden Piner). Kevin reveals to Chiron that he needs to demonstrate alternate young men that he's not delicate so they will quit singling out him. They play battle before running off home.

After class, the young men are in a room demonstrating each other their penises. Chiron goes into the room after Kevin gives him access. He unbuttons his jeans and shows himself to Kevin and alternate young men.

Juan takes Chiron to the beach to show him how to swim. They sit on the sand as Juan informs Chiron concerning his own adolescence, telling the kid how he should cut out his own way in this world and not let any other individual choose for him.

During the evening, Juan sees somebody smoking rocks in the roads. He finds that Paula is with the man, being her sweetheart. Juan reprimands Paula for smoking rocks, however she hits back that he's the one that sold it to her. They contend about how Chiron is being raised, with Paula inquiring as to whether he is attempting to bring up her child and on the off chance that he knows why alternate young men single out him. She later goes home and irately calls Chiron a faggot.

In the morning, Chiron goes to Juan and Teresa's home. He communicates his scorn for Paula and after that asks Juan what a faggot is. After Juan clarifies, Chiron inquires as to whether he himself is one. He then gets some information about his medication managing and pitching to his mom. Chiron leaves, and Juan shows up mournfully repentant. Enjoy best and secure place for Free 2017 Hollywood Movies Download without any subscription.

Part II. Chiron 

Chiron is presently a young person (now played by Ashton Sanders). Juan has since a long time ago passed away. Chiron is badgering at school by a punk named Terrel (Patrick Decile), who derides Chiron amidst class until their instructor shows Terrel out.

After class, Kevin (now played by Jharrel Jerome) goes up to Chiron to boast about accepting a sensual caress from a young lady on the staircase and how he got detainment for doing as such. He additionally gives Chiron the epithet "Dark". Chiron keeps on going by Teresa for nourishment, a place to crash a few evenings, and in some cases some cash. At the point when Chiron backpedals toward his home, a high Paula turns out and begins requesting cash from Chiron so she may get more medications for herself. She tries to persuasively take cash from his pockets until he yields and hands it over to her.
As Chiron strolls home from school, Terrel and his amigo keep running up on Chiron and insult him about his mom and Teresa. At the point when Chiron reacts indignantly, the two debilitate him and make him make a stride back.

Chiron visits the shoreline and sits on the sand. He is joined minutes after the fact by Kevin, who imparts a limit to him. They converse with each other about their objectives, and in the long run draw sufficiently near to begin kissing. Kevin then gives Chiron a handjob.
In school, Chiron tries to sit with Kevin at lunch before Terrel sits with him. They have a lovely talk as Terrel reviews an old "diversion" called "Thumped Down, Stay Down," which Kevin was evidently great at. Terrel tries to discover somebody for Kevin to thump down. He picks Chiron and weights Kevin into hitting him. Kevin reluctantly strikes Chiron a couple times in the face and instructs him to remain down. Chiron keeps on getting up, prompting to Terrel and his companions to begin stepping him out. Afterward, Chiron sees a social specialist who urges him to surrender the names of his aggressors. He feels that nothing will be halted on the off chance that he says names.
The following day, Chiron strolls into class and promptly gets a seat and crushes it over Terrel's back, thumping him to the ground. Chiron tries to get more hits in, yet he is kept down by the instructor and different understudies. He is later captured, and Kevin sees him being taken away in the squad car..Get all latest action, romantic,comedy,horror and Drama Movies updates for free of cost.

Part III. Black

The story hops around ten years after the fact. Chiron (now played by Trevante Rhodes) is living in Atlanta after a stretch in juvie, and is currently pushing drugs. He lives alone in a little house and is fundamentally more built up than in his childhood. One night, Chiron gets a startling telephone call from Kevin (now played by Andre Holland), who got Chiron's number from Teresa. Kevin apologizes for what occurred in school and for what he did to Chiron. Chiron is quiet yet he sheds a tear. Kevin says he is presently a cook in Miami and he welcomes Chiron to visit him for a dinner.
On his way through Florida, Chiron stops to visit his mom. Paula is profoundly annoyed with how she regarded Chiron as a tyke and for giving her habit a chance to assume control. She reveals to Chiron she adores him and knows he doesn't need to love her back. Chiron pardons Paula.

Chiron lands at Kevin's cafe. Kevin is astounded to see Chiron situated at the front. He cooks a culinary expert's extraordinary for Chiron, which is a Cuban dish. Kevin conveys some wine over for them to drink. Chiron is still genuinely peaceful, yet the two inevitably participate in discussion. Kevin has hitched a lady named Samantha and they have a child, Kevin Jr. Chiron concedes that he is pitching medications, to Kevin's disappointment. Chiron claims "it is the thing that it is", however Kevin opposes this idea.
Kevin conveys Chiron to his loft for the night. There, Kevin concedes that he's not where he thought he would have been in life, yet he is content with his occupation and family. Chiron expresses that he hasn't been touched by anybody since Kevin back in secondary school. Chiron and Kevin then sit on the bed with Chiron laying his head on Kevin's shoulder and Kevin begins stroking Chiron's head.

The film closes with an injection of Chiron as a tyke remaining on the shoreline.

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The 89th Academy Awards Oscars 2017 Red Carpet Photos

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All that arranging and crusading and forecasting, all that petition and sweat and blood — they've all been paving the way to this. Today evening time, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences exhibits the 89th Academy Awards, facilitated by Jimmy Kimmel. Of course, there are a lot of pompous know-it-alls out there who think they know precisely how this is all going to shake out; as usual, you can rely on there being a couple shocks tossed in with the general mish-mash.

Red Carpet Photos:


Here we are going to show the list of 89th Academy Awards:

Actor in a Supporting Role

Mahershala Ali, Moonlight
Jeff Bridges, Hell or High Water
Lucas Hedges, Manchester by the Sea
Dev Patel, Lion
Michael Shannon, Nocturnal Animals 

Makeup and Hairstyling

A Man Called Ove
Star Trek Beyond
Suicide Squad

Costume Design

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Florence Floster Jenkins
La La Land

Documentary Feature

I Am Not Your Negro
Life, Animated
O.J.: Made in America

Sound Editing

Deepwater Horizon
Hacksaw Ridge
La La Land

Sound Mixing

La La Land
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
13 Hours

Actress in a Supporting Role

Viola Davis, Fences
Naomie Harris, Moonlight
Nicole Kidman, Lion
Octavia Spencer, Hidden Figures
Michelle Williams, Manchester by the Sea

Animated Feature Film

Kubo and the Two Strings
My Life as a Zucchini
The Red Turtle

Production Design

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Hail, Caeasar!
La La Land

Best Visual Effects

Deepwater Horizon
The Jungle Book
Kubo and the Two Strings
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Film Editing

Hacksaw Ridge
Hell or High Water
La La Land

Documentary Short Subject

4.1 Miles
Joe’s Violin
Watani: My Homeland
The White Helmets

Live Action Short Film

Ennemis Interieurs
La Femme et le TGV
Silent Nights


La La Land

Original Score

La La Land

Original Song

“Audition,” La La Land
“Can’t Stop the Feeling,” Trolls
“City of Stars,” La La Land
“The Empty Chair,” Jim: The James Foley Story
“How Far I’ll Go,” Moana

Best Picture

Hacksaw Ridge
Hell or High Water
Hidden Figures
La La Land

Actor in a Leading Role

Casey Affleck, Manchester by the Sea
Andrew Garfield, Hacksaw Ridge
Ryan Gosling, La La Land
Viggo Mortensen, Captain Fantastic
Denzel Washington, Fences

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