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How To Convert YouTube to Mp3 or Mp4 Online for FREE

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Converting YouTube to Mp3 or Video File online is now possible in easy steps, just follow the steps provided below, note that this tutorial is only for personal purposes, you have no right to reupload video or music that is already uploaded to YouTube, unless you use it only for personal purposes, so if you are planning to download Music or Video to sell music then we are not liable for any circumstances you might face on, we just created this for those who wanted to have their own favorite music on their devices.

Using this free Online tools you can convert YouTube to music in a different format such as .mp3, .aac, .ogg, .m4a, .wma, .flac, and .wav.

For Video you can also select any video format that suits your needs such as .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .avi, .flv, .mpg, .wmv.

Steps To Convert YouTube to Mp3 or Mp4 Online FREE
  1. First thing you need to do is to select your desired music from YouTube and then copy the URL of the Video (see screenshot click image to see larger), just to make sure you copy the correct URL, below the video you will see a 3 tabs, Add to, Share, More, now just tap or click the Share tab to reveal the URL or link of the video now copy that by simply highlight the link and then Ctrl+C to copy or right click + Copy.
  2. Go To after you copied the Video URL from YouTube that you want to convert and from there, you will see similar to the screenshot below.
    [1] the marker indicated with number 1 is a field in which you are going to paste the URL from YouTube that you copied.
    [2] The number 2 mark indication on screenshot this is a select option or dropdown to select the specific format to convert whether its audio or video.
  3. By default it is select to mp3, now if you want video format you are going to select any video format extension like .mp4 or anything that suit your needs, in this case, we will just convert to mp3 for a demo.
  4. Now after selection of a file, you wanted to convert just click START.
  5. When you click start you will see that the page is now loading and start converting your desired conversion from YouTube, make sure that when the conversion is loading you will still remain on that page, because if you go to another tab the loading conversion will not complete unless you get back to it, conversion is fast when you are going to video the page still.
  6. Next, after the video conversion from YouTube is done processing, you will be redirected to a new page in which you can now download the video.
  7. Just Click the Download Button to start downloading your converted video to your PC or laptop.
Done! you can now download more by just clicking the button Convert Again if you want to convert another video from YouTube, hope that this tutorial helps you a lot, enjoy!

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Unable to Access WordPress Admin How To Fix?

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I Can't Access WordPress Admin After Theme or Plugin Activated?

Are you one of the Newbie or Beginner WordPress Developer who is trying to find a solution how you can fix this issue? well you are in a good place since we will be going to help you fix this issue, first is of course if you can't really access the WordPress admin login page then you need to have a CPANEL Access or FTP Access.

Also the solution we provided here will help you in other way like have a php error after installing plugins or Theme php error, including the white screen death which you only see a white space with no content.

List Of Common Issues Occur If You Can't Access Admin Login Page

This list of issues occur or happens if you are;
  1. Install or Activate Themes
  2. Install Deprecated Themes or Plugins with php code error
  3. Install or Activate Plugin
  4. Modify Functions.php
How to Fix it?

Fixing this is very easy, but you need to have a Cpanel Access or At-least FTP Access since we need to do someting on wp-content/themes or wp-content/plugins.

  • So if you are installing Themes like deprecated themes or any themes that would make your WordPress Login Admin  inaccessible or have an error, or worst a white screen death, for example you installed Themes but all you can see from front-end is the white screen or empty pages, then this is the time we need to do in WP-CONTENT/THEMES directory.
  • The sames in plugin all you need to do is follow the steps provided below.

We need to have this access since we are going to modify something on our WordPress website directory.

  1. Go to your Cpanel Website or FTP Root Directory in which you can see all of the files from your website.
  2. Go to File Manager
  3. Locate the wp-content/themes then find the WordPress Themes that is currently activated from your website.
  4. for example your site is using Sahifa Themes then you must see a folder name Sahifa.
  5. Now all you need to do is to RENAME the SAHIFA folder name to ~Sahifa if you are using other themes just rename it to this by adding "~" delta symbol or underscore symbol "_".
  6. Renaming this theme will solve your problems since it will let you access the admin login page so that you can replace your current theme which as an error.
  7. Access and we are pretty sure that this is now accessible.
  8. Now for the PLUGIN error just follow the same procedure but you are going to go in your wp-content/plugins then find the plugin that is having the error and rename, for example you install plugins CONTACT FORM 7 just locate this plugin to the directory and rename it by jsut adding adding "~" delta symbol or underscore symbol "_".
  9. If you are unsure what plugin having this error then you need to rename all the plugins and try logging in to the backend and access the login page.
  10. Finally activate the plugins one by one and then test the front-end of your website to see which plugins are having the error.
Note that its better to make sure that installing plugins would not conflict to other plugins, lie for example you want to have a Cache plugin such as WP Cache or Super Fast Cache, since this two has the same function or job to do then you must only choose one Cache plugin.

That is how simple on fixing issues on your Login page or error from your WordPress site, if you have any question or clarifications please leave a comment below and we will do our best to help you.


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AdSense Tips and Guide How To Approved and Use AdSense with Opinion and Reviews

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How Google AdSense Works and Earn From Adsense by Monetizing your Blog

There are many reasons why Google AdSense is the most suggested website or blog monetizing to earn money online, I have heard many people who earn million by using the Google AdSense Program, this is because they are #1 and best in terms of paying the bloggers or the website owner, but before you can actually join or apply this you need first to read their Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions, now if you already understand and read that on how AdSense works you can now start doing your first journey in online world.

Using Google AdSense program is very strict in terms of their policies so you need to read all their policies and make sure to avoid any circumstances that might lead you to permanently ban from their program.

Why Google AdSense is the best Choice?

There are many ways to earn money online by joining affiliate marketing program, referral or any other ads program, but I will tell you honestly that no one can ever do what AdSense can change your life, by just simply improving your blogs and at the same time monetizing it from Google Adsense.

If you are eager to learn more about why Google AdSense is the best choice, here is the video from YouTube own by the Professional Blogger name "Harsh Agrawal".

There are lots of alternative way to earn money, such as Infolinks which is good for news, health, trending, technology and viral niche, you can easily Join from Infolinks, but as what I have said earlier that Google AdSense is best but very strict in terms of abiding their policy.

How Can I Join Google AdSense Program?

Join or applying on Google Adsense is not easy as what you think you need to do an extra effort to get your application approved by Google AdSense.

  • The first thing you need to do is to choose a good choice of Niche which will interest you more if you like technology niche yes you can, but I will give you some tips on what niche are best for your to start blogging.
  1. Technology
  2. Viral / Trending
  3. Earn Money Online
  4. Marketing
  5. Tutorial
  6. Programming
  7. Health
  8. News
  • Now if you are finally decided on what niche you should choose then the next thing you need to do is to choose a platform where you can post and start your blog, there are 2 ways to start blogging.
  1. If you are out of the budget and wanted to start blogging right away you can join, just search in YouTube how Blogger Works, and create your first blog domain and start posting.
  2. Now if you have enough funds to spend and pay Hosting and Domain you can start doing it, if you are a developer then you can do it by yourself or if you are looking someone to create your blog using your custom domain and Hosting you can Contact Android Crawl Blogger owner, and she will give you a quote for the pricing of developing your first ever blog site, the best and most recommended Content Management System (CMS) for your blog is WordPress, because of has lots of supports and tutorial, SEO friendly and easy to use and categorize your blog posts.
  • Once you are done doing your website and are ready to start blogging, before applying your blog website to Google AdSense Program, make sure you have all the important things required before start applying Google AdSense.
  1. Create all the important Page Contact Us, About Us, Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Sitemap, and Robots.Text, the sitemap, and robots text file can be setup by simply installing the Yoast SEO plugin, or if you are using a Blogger platform it is already generated.
  2. Next is to create a High-Quality Content which may be around 600 to 1000 Words that is originally created by you and not copied by any other blog site, take note that plagiarizing content is prohibited by Google AdSense so create only an original blog post with your own thoughts and ideas.
  3. Now if you already have at least 10 Blog posts you can now start Applying from Goole AdSense, by logging in using your Gmail and submit the domain, wait for a couple of days until your domain is approved, approving from Google AdSense is very easy if you really create high-quality content on your own.
When you apply from Google AdSense, make sure that your website is completely setup, from Menus, Categories, Themes and all important pages is created, including that no other ads inserted from all over your website, just a clean website or else you will not be approved.

How Many Ads Per Post Page?

If you have already approved and started posting and ads to your blog, the limit ads per post is at least 2 or  3 ads, and make sure that it is not near to a button, a menu and also do not offer or encourage user or reader for your blog to click your ads because this is against the AdSense Policy so make sure you put it in a clean way that do not block your content.

Best Way To Insert Ads

Are you wondering or asking sometimes where is the best place to insert the ads, in my own opinion, you can try putting it on the top of the navigation near your logo, or below post title and also put one on the right side bar.

The best Ads sizes that really earns a lot is the 300x250, links ads and skyscraper at the right sidebar.

When I create My Ads and Insert to My Blog There are no ads display?

This is normal since creating new ads takes a little while to display ads, since Google AdSense Team review it and then make approval to the ads, so after pasting your Ads Code just wait for a little while and the ads will display.

If you have any questions, or suggestions about this post please leave a comment below. enjoy blogging!

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The Most Top Android Blog is Here in 2017 and for the Future

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One of the Most Top Android Blog

Are you tired of looking the best website that has all you want, from Android Firmware, Android Stock ROM, Android Custom ROM, Best Android Games, Best Android Apps, Best Mobile Device, and other stuff for your Android, well you are in the right place because right now, right here we are going to give you the most exciting and the TOP website that will help you for all you want to know including the improvements of your Android device and troubleshooting it.

Android Crawl - yes that is the name of the website where you can read all the stuff you are looking for, they also posted some best android apps with OBB files and APK files, including tips and tricks for your Android Phones or Android Device, now if you want to join their brand new Community Forum well join now and start posting your question or share your knowledge and experience about your Android device, you can join the community for Free.

How To Join Community Forum?

Joining this forum is very easy, you only need to have your own valid email address and just input your username and email, just follow the steps below.

  • First is you need to go at
  • Now the first time you see it if you are a new user just click the Register link and complete your details by inputting the email address and username, note that USERNAME is needed to login on the forum so make sure you remember it.

  • Take note that you will not input your desired password, since Blog will email you using the email you input during registration, with your auto-generated password, don't worry you can change the password once you verify it via email just click the link from the email and now set your desired password, then after that you can now LOGIN.
  • When logging in you can use the link which is hyperlink on the word "Login" or just simply use the login widget on the right sidebar if you are using your PC or Laptop. or Android Crawl blog specialized on posting specifically to Android, you can leave a comment or contact them, the posted Samsung Galaxy Stock ROM. Sony Xperia Stock ROM, Android Apps and Games Reviews, Tips, Flashing and rooting tutorial and much more what are you waiting for visit now and don't forget to bookmark them or share from your Wall, or Tweet their Blog.

Hope This post Helps, we want to hear your feedbacks please leave a comment below. Cheers!

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