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Philippine President Duterte Give's Order For the "Task Force Bangon Marawi"

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Photo Credit: ABS-CBN News

This so called TASK FORCE BANGON MARAWI is plan an ordered by the current Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to build a so called inter-agency task force that there main mission is to take good care on focusing the entire recovery of Marawi City, from reconstruction of the building, rehabilitation and to give people a main attention for the full recovery of the said city which is currently being held as the WAR location of government soldier and the MAUTE terrorist, the said Task Force is under the Administrative Order no. 3, dated June 28, 2017, this task force will be headed by the Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana and Public Works and Highways Secretary Mark Villar.

Below photo is shown that this was being in progress.

Photo Credits to: ABS-CBN News - Dharel Placido

The Task Force Bangon Marawi Main functionality and purpose is to give a high priority to the affected people in Marawi, by developing and implementing a comprehensive rehabilitation to everyone in Marawi citizen as well as recovery program this is based on a post-conflict assessment, also this proves that Mr. President Duterte is giving a deepest warm concern to all affected Filipino at Marawi City despite that the city is still having a critical situations, but the government ensures that this will be under control and soon they will gain a peaceful mind without worrying something because until now the Mindanao is still under Martial Law.

Task Force Bangon Marawi also given a task to to create and needs to have sub-committees focusing on rebuilding the house and structures being destroyed during the war, from School, Health Center, Barangays, Social Welfare, Business campaign and livelihood and more importantly the peace and order for the sake of the Marawi citizen, this will be the biggest task they are going to face-on and hopefully this will be successful for the sake of all the affected Filipino in Marawi City.

All of the progress and any other things happen during their execution of the task, they also requires to submit a monthly report for the development progress.

"Recovery and rehabilitation [will take time] because there are lots of buildings destroyed because of our aerial bombings and also because of the actions of the enemy blowing up buildings as well and burning houses," -  Lorenzana (Martial Administrator in Mindanao) said during the Briefing in Malacañang.
Rehabilitation is the first top priority after the War is done hopefully, Lorenzana Added on his statement below;

“[My] first concern is actually the funding. Because as early as now, we would like to procure some --- some construction materials like lumber, cement, nails, ‘yung mga yero, to support the civilians who are going back in repairing their homes especially those in the outskirts,” he said.
The TASK FORCE BANGON MARAWI is separated or divided to reconstruction, health, housing, social welfare, business and livelihood, and last but not the list the peace and order.

How To Convert YouTube to Mp3 or Mp4 Online for FREE

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Converting YouTube to Mp3 or Video File online is now possible in easy steps, just follow the steps provided below, note that this tutorial is only for personal purposes, you have no right to reupload video or music that is already uploaded to YouTube, unless you use it only for personal purposes, so if you are planning to download Music or Video to sell music then we are not liable for any circumstances you might face on, we just created this for those who wanted to have their own favorite music on their devices.

Using this free Online tools you can convert YouTube to music in a different format such as .mp3, .aac, .ogg, .m4a, .wma, .flac, and .wav.

For Video you can also select any video format that suits your needs such as .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .avi, .flv, .mpg, .wmv.

Steps To Convert YouTube to Mp3 or Mp4 Online FREE
  1. First thing you need to do is to select your desired music from YouTube and then copy the URL of the Video (see screenshot click image to see larger), just to make sure you copy the correct URL, below the video you will see a 3 tabs, Add to, Share, More, now just tap or click the Share tab to reveal the URL or link of the video now copy that by simply highlight the link and then Ctrl+C to copy or right click + Copy.
  2. Go To after you copied the Video URL from YouTube that you want to convert and from there, you will see similar to the screenshot below.
    [1] the marker indicated with number 1 is a field in which you are going to paste the URL from YouTube that you copied.
    [2] The number 2 mark indication on screenshot this is a select option or dropdown to select the specific format to convert whether its audio or video.
  3. By default it is select to mp3, now if you want video format you are going to select any video format extension like .mp4 or anything that suit your needs, in this case, we will just convert to mp3 for a demo.
  4. Now after selection of a file, you wanted to convert just click START.
  5. When you click start you will see that the page is now loading and start converting your desired conversion from YouTube, make sure that when the conversion is loading you will still remain on that page, because if you go to another tab the loading conversion will not complete unless you get back to it, conversion is fast when you are going to video the page still.
  6. Next, after the video conversion from YouTube is done processing, you will be redirected to a new page in which you can now download the video.
  7. Just Click the Download Button to start downloading your converted video to your PC or laptop.
Done! you can now download more by just clicking the button Convert Again if you want to convert another video from YouTube, hope that this tutorial helps you a lot, enjoy!

Protected by Copyscape

Baby Driver 2017 Full Movie Download HD Mp4 Online

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Sony's Baby Driver, the SXSW vibe that plans to be the cool ride of the late spring for moviegoers with the requirement for speed and iTunes at any cost, has much to prescribe it. Chief author Edgar Wright conveys here in style that continues for a considerable length of time and ought to have fans spilling. His yield of motion pictures like Shaun Of The Dead, At World's End and Hot Fuzz has dependably been a blended pack for me — gigantically encouraging trendy person movies that need add up to train by a helmer who at times gives things a chance to lurch wild to the impediment of the story. That is additionally valid (actually) in the last demonstration of Baby Driver, which until the point when at that point is a tremendously engaging and fulfilled wrongdoing show driven by a consistent melodic beat and a mood and pace that is basically powerful.

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The Space of 85 Kilometers

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Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1438 Hijriyah. Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin. Alhamdulillah.. Allah SWT masih memberikan kesempatan buat gue dan kita semua untuk bisa merayakan dan melewati Ramadan dan Idul Fitri tahun ini dengan penuh suka, duka dan cita. Usai lulus mengenyam bangku pendidikan di sekolah dan bekerja, Hari Raya Idul Fitri tak lagi sebagai moment yang paling membahagiakan dalam hidup gue. Dulu, selama bangku sekolah atau masa anak-anak lah tepatnya, moment akan Idul Fitri itu sangat ditunggu-tunggu. Alasannya adalah:

1. Bisa dapet uang banyak pemberian dari sanak saudara & uangnya itu masih pada baru dan wangi.

Poin nomor pertama ini mungkin berlaku untuk semua kalangan. Lebaran Idul Fitri menjadi moment terbaik untuk mendapat uang banyak secara cuma-cuma. Gue masih inget kala itu, tiap dapet uang dari sanak saudara, uang lebaran itu di keep sampai H+7 lebaran. Kenapa? Karena sayang.. Uangnya masih baru dan wangi.. Haha.. Tapi tetep sih kesananya pasti abis dijajanin juga :')

2. Bisa pamer baju lebaran.

Lebaran Idul Fitri pasti identik dengan pakaian serba baru. Dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki semuanya berasa diwajibkan kudu baru pada waktu itu. Memakai baju baru lebaran menjadi sensasi tersendiri. Kita merasa sangat bahagia memakainya karena perjuangan berburu baju lebaran kesana kemari selama Ramadan, antri berjam-jam di tempat kasir hingga panas-panasan nyoba satu persatu toko atau mall semuanya terbayar sudah ketika Lebaran Idul Fitri telah tiba.

3. Makan hidangan khas lebaran buatan keluarga tersayang.

Usai 30 hari menjalani ibadah Puasa di Bulan Ramadan, rasanya pada saat moment Lebaran Idul Fitri, hidangan khas lebaran itu wajib untuk dimakan. Keluarga dirumah bahkan menyiapkan hidangan khas lebaran ini H-2 bahkan H-1 sampai subuh sebelum Sholat Ied. Menu favorit lebaran di hampir banyak keluarga mayoritas adalah Ketupat, Opor Ayam, Sambel Goreng Kentang, Rendang Sapi, Cabe Besengek, Kerupuk Udang, dan Acar. Hidangan tersebut begitu terasa enak dimakan bareng dengan keluarga besar yang secara tidak sadar lama kelamaan panas dalam, sariawan dan bibir pecah-pecah. :))

4. Bertemu dengan saudara-saudara jauh.

Poin keempat ini yang paling ditunggu berikutnya. Kita bisa berjumpa dengan saudara-saudara kita yang selama ini terpisah oleh jarak. Moment Lebaran Idul Fitri menjadi salah satu moment yang paling pas untuk berkumpul setelah lama berpisah. Akan banyak hal seru ketika bertemu dengan saudara-saudara kita. Kita bisa bermain sepuasnya. Gratis juga kan ditanggung sama saudara :))

5. Saling memaafkan dengan orang-orang disekitar.

Moment saling memaafkan menjadi moment paling bikin nangis dalam hati. Jarang-jarang gue dan adik-adik minta maaf secara langsung ke orangtua dan keluarga. Cuma moment Lebaran Idul Fitri aja gue dan adik-adik ngomong "Mah.. Pak.. Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin yaa.." sambil salim dan nangis dalam hati :')

6. Ziarah ke makam keluarga atau teman yang sudah tiada.

Berziarah merupakan sudah menjadi tradisi umat Islam ketika Lebaran Idul Fitri. Hal itu semacam reminder bagi kita semua yang masih hidup untuk terus mengingat keluarga atau teman yang sudah mendahului kita ke SurgaNya Allah SWT dan juga sebagai pengingat juga bahwa kita suatu saat pasti akan sama seperti mereka. Gue merasakan rasa sedih sekaligus kangen dengan keluarga atau kerabat yang telah meninggal ketika berziarah ketika keluarga dan sanak saudara melantunkan ayat-ayat doa dipusara makam.

6 Poin diatas menjadi hal yang paling ditunggu-tunggu ketika moment Lebaran Idul Fitri. Tapi semenjak gue lulus sekolah, bekerja dan kini belajar hidup mandiri, gue merasa beberapa poin diatas satu persatu mulai menghilang. Lima tahun belakangan ini, gue selalu merayakan Libur Lebaran Idul Fitri di tempat kerja. 1 Tahun di Departement Store, 4 Tahun di Restoran Cepat Saji dan tahun ini merayakan moment Lebaran Idul Fitri kali ini dengan bekerja dan tinggal jauh dari keluarga.
Ketika gema takbir berkumandang gue cuma bisa nyesek dalam hati karena melewati malam takbir harus bekerja sampe malem dan pastinya jauh dari keluarga, orangtua dan saudara. Puncaknya adalah ketika Hari Raya Lebaran Idul Fitri tiba. Gue Sholat Ied di lingkungan baru, tanpa ada keluarga, saudara ataupun kerabat yang dikenal. Nyesek cuy pengen pulang bawaannya.
Tapi balik lagi, gue langsung berfikir inilah resiko bekerja bukan di perbankan atau kantoran. Resiko tetap bekerja di Hari Raya Idul Fitri di industri perhotelan, wisata dan restaurant ini mau tak mau harus dijalankan. Untungnya teman-teman yang ikut incharge pada saat Hari Raya Idul Fitri ikut #bersimPATI merayakan Hari Raya Idul Fitri bersama-sama meskipun dirayakan di tempat bekerja.

Manny Pacquiao Receives Heartfelt Message From His Wife And Fans - You're Still Our Champion!

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Manny Pacquiao still receives a heartfelt Message from his Wife Jinkee and the fans who are still showing a full support despite the anonymous decision that is in favor of the JEFF HORN.

Pacquaio defeated in unanimous defending his WBO Welterweight World Title, but supporters and fans of Many still sending their message to show him that he is still the Champion.

In his wife Instagram account, she posted about the "Pacquiao vs Horn: Battle of Brisbane";

We already won the Victory through Jesus! You fought well! Still proud of you, my babe! Love you, babe! You're Still our Champion! #Godisgood

During the battle, Filipino fans and other fans all over the world was watching the "Battle of Brisbanke" – the boxing match between the People’s Champ Manny Pacquiao versus Australian Jeff Horn, during the fight the challenger Jeff Horn is able to defeat the defending champion, Manny PACMAN Pacquiao in WBO Welterweight World Title at Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane.

The result was stun and still unbelievable to all Pacquiao fans that lead to unanimous decision;

Scores: 115-113, 115-113, 117-111, this turns to new professional records now stands to 17-0-1, despite the current victory of the Australian Jeff Horn for the WBO welterweight champion, the fight is still entertaining, but many boxing experts have an observation about how the referee control the game, and even though there is an observation about the game, it is still Jeff Horn Won the Title.


During Pacquiao interview, he still said with gracious that he respects the decision made by the judges, even though he loss the WBO Welterweight World Title, all Philippine or Filipio Fans have still given their full support and sending their heartfelt message to Manny PACMAN Pacquiao (Senator/Boxer).

Even though the result still shocked by others, we  can't still deny the fact that Manny PACMAN Pacquiao gives his best and show a good sports game, which is also one of his good asset as a boxer.

Top Adult Romantic Movies Movies4star

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It's coming, and there's nothing we can do to stop it: the Fifty Shades of Gray impact will make fans overall insane. Despite the fact that we definitely realize that a few people will despise it, and some other individuals will love it, that it will be cruelly scrutinized by a few, and exceptionally lauded by the rest, we feel that this discharge is the ideal reason to investigate the sexiest, most smoking, movies in the entire history of film. We can dare to dream that Mister Gray's enterprises will take a spot in this main ten in a matter of seconds.

Sex Doll 2017 : Set in London's world of high class call girls, Amoureux Solitaires tells the story of London based French escort Virginie, and Rupert, a man who rescues trafficked girls - A tale of modern love.


Diary of a Nymphomaniac 2008 : A chronicle of the life of a middle-class French girl's sexual adventures, her then fall into prostitution, and her ultimate redemption.


Love 2015 : Murphy is an American living in Paris who enters a highly sexually and emotionally charged relationship with the unstable Electra. Unaware of the effect it will have on their relationship, they invite their pretty neighbor into their bed.


Q 2011 : In a social context deteriorated by a countrywide economic crisis, the life of several people will be turned upside down after they meet Cecile, a character who symbolizes desire.


The Center of the World 2001 : A couple checks into a suite in Las Vegas. In flashbacks we see that he's a computer whiz on the verge of becoming a millionaire, she's a lap dancer at a club.

  Download Full Movie

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News: Suspect for Bulacan Massacre Will Not Get Any Help From PAO

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Source: Facebook

During the interview of Attorney Persida Acosta with regards to the BULACAN MASSACRE that the suspect of the crime will not get any help from PAO or Public Attorney's Office, this is officially confirmed during press interview, Acosta says that the PAO is not only for those who are being accused but for those people who really need help, she claims and ensure that the victims will give justice for those who is being suspected of the said crime, since there are minors and there is also a 1-year-old child which is brutally killed by drug addicts, so in our point of view in accordance with the Illegal drug campaigns of Philippine President Duterte this proves that the root cause of any incident like this is Drugs so it means that the Campaign is better for Filipino to minimize at least the illegal drugs.

Photo Credits:INQUIRER
Public Attorney Office or PAO Chief Atty. Presida Acosta’s on her statement about the issue that she will not deny the accused of legal counsel and she said that it seriously violates the rights as what the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines Article III, Section 12:

“… to have competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice. If the person cannot afford the services of counsel, he must be provided with one. These rights cannot be waived except in writing and in the presence of counsel.”
See the Video that is uploaded by NEWS5 about what Atty. Acosta says during the press,

No matter how heinous the crime a party is accused of, they are entitled to their right to counsel. Furthermore her assumption of the accused’s guilt seems to be contrary to being presumed innocent until proven guilty as per Article III Section 14 Paragraphs 1-2 of the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines: 

“(1) No person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense without due process of law.(2) In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall be presumed innocent until the contrary is proved, and shall enjoy the right to be heard by himself and counsel, to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him, to have a speedy, impartial, and public trial, to meet the witnesses face to face, and to have compulsory process to secure the attendance of witnesses and the production of evidence in his behalf.”
The Crime happened at the victim's house at San Jose Del Monte Bulacan last Wednesday, June 28, 2017, the 2 person Name Estrella and Aurora were found dead and wore nothing on their body in different parts of the house and the 3 children were found inside the room that is locked which is also dead with a stab wounds on their body, this was found after Estrella's husband went home from his night working duty as Security Guard in a certain bank in Makati City.

Photo Credit: INQUIRER

The Massacre is responsible for 3 suspects and one of them is now surrendered to the police authorities as he got conscience with the crime they did, during the exclusive interview from ABS-CBN the suspects said; 
Wala lang po, parang trip-trip lang… Naisipan lang pasukin, ganoon. Hindi naman po sinadya namin na talagang — kusa lang pong pinasok.
 In your own opinion is this the kind of man who in a right mind? and the suspect added that they are all under the influence of the illegal drugs that cause this brutal killing of the 5 victims the other suspects were now being hunting by the authorities and the suspect who surrendered is facing a huge case against him.

Jennifer Lawrence Explains How She Got Ready For Her Sex Scene With Chris Pratt

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Some film stars appreciate doing love scenes. Others, well, not really. Be that as it may, they all make them thing in like manner – the first run through is dependably the hardest.

This run connected to Jennifer Lawrence's circumstance when she had to do a sex scene with her "Passengers Movie" co-star Chris Pratt.

Not exclusively is Pratt at present one of the most sweltering performing artists in Hollywood, but at the same time he's wedded – certainties which gave Lawrence an incredible butterflies.

While conversing with The Hollywood Reporter, the on-screen character uncovered how she got readied for the scene: "I got super tanked. In any case, at that point that prompted more nervousness when I returned home since I resembled, 'What have I done? I don't have the foggiest idea.'"

She proceeded: "And he was hitched. Furthermore, it would have been my first time kissing a wedded man, and blame is the most exceedingly bad feeling in your stomach. Furthermore, I knew it was my employment, yet I couldn't tell my stomach that. So I called my mother, and I resembled, 'Will you simply reveal to me it's OK?' I was recently exceptionally helpless."  

We need to hand it to Jennifer – she's exceptionally overcome for saying these things. Aside from the meeting, the performing artist made her admission at the yearly Actress Roundtable dialog, before Helen Mirren, Cate Blanchett, Jane Fonda, Kate Winslet, and numerous more kindred on-screen characters.

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A 14 Year Old Girl Gets Main Attention to all Guests from Amusement Park After She Almost Fell Down Must See

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A 14 year old girl who has happen to enjoy during this unexpected scenario that makes all the guest from Amusement Park scared, this is happen after she was riding on the The Great Escape & Splashwater Kingdom in Queensbury, New York.

People who often go this popular park gets scared and almost hold their breath after this trending videos from Facebook that is posted by CNN, a girl accidentally slide on the chair she setting on while riding this rides.

Credit: CNN
According to the Amusement Park Marketing Director they said that they are always putting their top priorities to all their guest and including this unexpected or shall we say almost accident happen to this young girl.

As the safety of our guests and team members is our top priority, and out of an abundance of caution, the ride will remain closed while we conduct a thorough internal review.
While the girl keep holding to avoid any circumstances happen to her, until she feel on a branch of tree and then finally he got fell to all the guest watching here and luckily he catch by the people who is waiting fir her to fall.

When this incident happen luckily the operator of this rides gets stop immediately the ride to help her, and so the girl was save and in our own opinion there is also fault to the guest, she was not really injured that bad and was taking right away to the hospital.

The lesson we can come up with this is always make sure that this rides is fit to your daughter or son and would make sure that the safety guidelines is followed accordingly to avoid any incidents like this.

We can't deny the fact that amusement park is one of the popular parks visited by the park goers to enjoy and have a family bonding, just be careful and do not try any negligence from your side so that you can enjoy on your moment on this park.

Are you also a park goers? what is your opinion about this?

Credit: CNN

Clinic Supervisor at SM Ecoland Davao City

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YSA Skin Care is looking for Clinic Supervisor located at SM Ecoland Davao City, so if you feel you are qualified to this job you may apply this now and get hired, just look for the details provided below, and make sure to read all the details and other requirements and responsibilities for this position.

Job Type
Job Location
SM Ecoland
Job Description
Job Duties:

* Will be in-charge to Clinic Operations.
* Monitor Sales and must ensure that Monthly Quota is being met.
* Prepares Marketing strategy to increase sales if needed.
* Ensures cleanliness and orderliness of the branch.
* Monitors attendance of staffs and ensure compliance to SOP's.
* Prepares and submits report on a regular basis.
* Conducts inventory of stocks.


* College Graduate of any course.
* With atleast 1 year related experience.
* Willing to be assigned in SM Ecoland Davao.
* Able to work with minimal supervision.
Highest Education Attainment:
College Graduate
Company Information

YSA Skin Care

SM Ecoland
In a society that has grown obsessed with beauty and age retardation, cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Isabel Lopez-Nazal has achieved iconic stature. Up close and personal, however, the beautiful doctor has an amazingly modest take on her success, looking at Clinica Dermatologica’s (and YSA Skin Care Center) large chain of outlets as simply her way of propagating healthy, young-looking skin among beauty conscious Filipinos through skin care treatments and products that she has formulated herself.
Although beauty centers have mushroomed all over the metropolis. Nazal’s Clinica Dermatologica and YSA Skin Care Center outlets stand out for their expert service. It is one place, after all, where treatments are under the strict supervision of qualified dermatologists and surgeons...
There is indeed no question as to Nazal’s own credentials on this field. Her experience has been honed through a lengthy work stint at the San Lazaro Hospital’s Dermatology Research and Training Service (DRTS) as preceptor under the DRTS assistant director. She studied at the Institute of Dermatology under London University in England.
Thus, people who benefit from her skincare treatments grow by the hundreds. Her clientele, in fact, includes famous faces in politics and showbiz.
These people now avail of the most advanced skin-care technologies ever brought to the country. These include the age defying Intense Pulse Light treatment and the anti-cellulite Lipo-injection, as well standard modalities like laser therapy, chemical peel, hair removal, liposuction and Botox.

Number of Job Opening
How to apply to this job
Interested applicant may send their resume at

Full Time Nurse at SM Ecoland Davao

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This is a new opening Job for all Nurses who are looking for this job then this might be your opportunity to apply and get hired, just apply this job using the email provided below, or you can apply personally to their company.


Job Type

Job Location
SM Ecoland Davao

Job Description
Job Duties:

* Assist the Branch Supervisor in achieving sales quota.
* Assist Customers/Clients which includes but not limited to administration of IVT.
* Serves as Skin Care Advisor/Consultant.
* Helps in the maintenance of cleanliness and orderliness of the clinic.

Interested applicant may send their resume at


* Must be a Registered Nurse with IVT.
* Willing to be assigned in SM Ecoland Davao.
* Able to work with minimal supervision.

Interested applicant may send their resume at

Highest Education Attainment:
College Graduate

Company Information

YSA Skin Care

SM Ecoland
In a society that has grown obsessed with beauty and age retardation, cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Isabel Lopez-Nazal has achieved iconic stature. Up close and personal, however, the beautiful doctor has an amazingly modest take on her success, looking at Clinica Dermatologica’s (and YSA Skin Care Center) large chain of outlets as simply her way of propagating healthy, young-looking skin among beauty conscious Filipinos through skin care treatments and products that she has formulated herself.
Although beauty centers have mushroomed all over the metropolis. Nazal’s Clinica Dermatologica and YSA Skin Care Center outlets stand out for their expert service. It is one place, after all, where treatments are under the strict supervision of qualified dermatologists and surgeons...
There is indeed no question as to Nazal’s own credentials on this field. Her experience has been honed through a lengthy work stint at the San Lazaro Hospital’s Dermatology Research and Training Service (DRTS) as preceptor under the DRTS assistant director. She studied at the Institute of Dermatology under London University in England.
Thus, people who benefit from her skincare treatments grow by the hundreds. Her clientele, in fact, includes famous faces in politics and showbiz.
These people now avail of the most advanced skin-care technologies ever brought to the country. These include the age defying Intense Pulse Light treatment and the anti-cellulite Lipo-injection, as well standard modalities like laser therapy, chemical peel, hair removal, liposuction and Botox.

Number of Job Opening

How to apply to this job
Interested applicant may send their resume at

Unable to Access WordPress Admin How To Fix?

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I Can't Access WordPress Admin After Theme or Plugin Activated?

Are you one of the Newbie or Beginner WordPress Developer who is trying to find a solution how you can fix this issue? well you are in a good place since we will be going to help you fix this issue, first is of course if you can't really access the WordPress admin login page then you need to have a CPANEL Access or FTP Access.

Also the solution we provided here will help you in other way like have a php error after installing plugins or Theme php error, including the white screen death which you only see a white space with no content.

List Of Common Issues Occur If You Can't Access Admin Login Page

This list of issues occur or happens if you are;
  1. Install or Activate Themes
  2. Install Deprecated Themes or Plugins with php code error
  3. Install or Activate Plugin
  4. Modify Functions.php
How to Fix it?

Fixing this is very easy, but you need to have a Cpanel Access or At-least FTP Access since we need to do someting on wp-content/themes or wp-content/plugins.

  • So if you are installing Themes like deprecated themes or any themes that would make your WordPress Login Admin  inaccessible or have an error, or worst a white screen death, for example you installed Themes but all you can see from front-end is the white screen or empty pages, then this is the time we need to do in WP-CONTENT/THEMES directory.
  • The sames in plugin all you need to do is follow the steps provided below.

We need to have this access since we are going to modify something on our WordPress website directory.

  1. Go to your Cpanel Website or FTP Root Directory in which you can see all of the files from your website.
  2. Go to File Manager
  3. Locate the wp-content/themes then find the WordPress Themes that is currently activated from your website.
  4. for example your site is using Sahifa Themes then you must see a folder name Sahifa.
  5. Now all you need to do is to RENAME the SAHIFA folder name to ~Sahifa if you are using other themes just rename it to this by adding "~" delta symbol or underscore symbol "_".
  6. Renaming this theme will solve your problems since it will let you access the admin login page so that you can replace your current theme which as an error.
  7. Access and we are pretty sure that this is now accessible.
  8. Now for the PLUGIN error just follow the same procedure but you are going to go in your wp-content/plugins then find the plugin that is having the error and rename, for example you install plugins CONTACT FORM 7 just locate this plugin to the directory and rename it by jsut adding adding "~" delta symbol or underscore symbol "_".
  9. If you are unsure what plugin having this error then you need to rename all the plugins and try logging in to the backend and access the login page.
  10. Finally activate the plugins one by one and then test the front-end of your website to see which plugins are having the error.
Note that its better to make sure that installing plugins would not conflict to other plugins, lie for example you want to have a Cache plugin such as WP Cache or Super Fast Cache, since this two has the same function or job to do then you must only choose one Cache plugin.

That is how simple on fixing issues on your Login page or error from your WordPress site, if you have any question or clarifications please leave a comment below and we will do our best to help you.


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Police from Brgy. San Jose Philippines Gets Viral After Brutality Treated A 2 Man Without Any Criminal Case

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This becomes viral during the after this video posted in social media, due to a brutal acts of this 2 police men, in which man getting beat using a stick then point out a gun to the person who done nothing or in short they beat without any criminal case. as you can see that the two police man named PO1 JOSE TANDOG and PO1 CHITO ENRIQUEZ bring the two men from the Barangay and the man who did nothing and beat by stick named "Marvin Calda" and the other one who get this video is  Mac2 Villanueva.
This video is send by a person and was posted from the Facebook page called
Pepeng Hugotero 

The complete details of this video is posted below.


Hindi na po dapat ako magpopost Pero SOBRA na po talaga ang ginagawa ninyong pananakit, pangaabuso, pananakot. Kagabi hinuli ni JOSE TANDOG at CHITO ENRIQUEZ, parehong PO1 ang aking kapatid na si Marvin Calda at kumpare nyang si Mac2 Villanueva kahit walang nagawang kamalian. Dinala sila sa Brgy dahil wala silang dalang pangticket at doon naganap ang malahayop na pananakit at pagbunot at pagtutok ng baril. Ma buti nlng at mabilis na naisip ni Marvin na mavideohan ang mga pangyayari. Nasaan si Ron2 at kanyang mga tanod? Bakit wala kayong naging aksyon. Pasensya npo sir Ubina, yung pakiusap mo na huwag ipost ang pangyayari ay Hindi ko po mapagbibigyan.
Martial law na ba sa atin? Diba mission ng mga police to "serve and protect"? May karapatan kami ipaglalaban namin. Lalaban po kami, Hindi ko palalampasin ang pangaabuso ninyo . Sa mga inabuso at sinaktan ng mga police sa ating barangay, hinihikayat ko kayong magsalita at magreklamo. Sa video makikita ninyo kung paano sinaktan at halos patayin na ang walang kalabanlaban nating kabarangay. Maraming salamat po.

In our own opinion, they should be punished due to their unprofessional act as a policeman who pledge to do their duty with a good manner, but this two men shows that their using their position with a very crucial and brutal way., as of now this two man is already been face on their case against their actions.

Must see the full video below and tell us your opinion about it by leaving a comment.

Download Spider Man Homecoming HD Mp4 Movie Free

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Marvel Studios has transformed the superhero moviemaking engine into a finely tuned machine. From the sound of things, Spider-Man: Homecoming doesn't go amiss from their time tested course of indicating every other person in the business how it's finished. Regardless of being a cooperation with Sony (who claims the Spidey film rights), Peter Parker's initially solo experience in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is gaining raves more in accordance with Guardians of the Galaxy than The Amazing Spider-Man 2.




While nobody is permitted to really audit the film yet, the online networking ban on chief Jon Watts' superhero experience went up and everybody who has seen the film expeditiously took to Twitter to share their considerations. We should start with our own particular Peter Sciretta, who cherished the motion picture and said that it's second just to Spider-Man 2 with regards to extra large screen stories about 'ol web-head. I think Spider Man Homecoming is awesome upcoming Action Movie from Marvel Production.

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IMDB Top 5 High Rated 18+ Movies

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IMDB is the greatest database of an extensive variety of movies and TV appearances. People can enlist their profile and offer to rate to the movies with the objective that others can without a lot of an extend get information about movies and shows. Starting there, this rundown of top notch 18+ Movies are made. People friendship to watch extraordinary and enthusiastic movies as a less than a dependable rule, for those this summary rundown is given.

1 Intimacy – A failed craftsman from London meets a woman reliably for an outstanding sexual minute to discard the substances and torment of genuine living. However, at a minute, he started to look into about her, he passes on some threat to their relationship. This is an 119-moment film composed by Patrice Chereau. It was released in 2001 and got 6.3 out of 10 on the IMDB rating bar.

2 La Mustache – Marc is hitched for quite a while and one day he asked with reference to whether he shaved off his mustache, she didn't have all the earmarks of being concerned or curious about him. One day he cut it off and makes sense of none of his mates, partners are connecting with this. By then he makes sense of he was imagining his mustache, as he never had one. Taking everything into account, would he say he was imagining it, or diverse things too? It's an 87-minute film facilitated by Emmanuel Carrere. It was released in 2005 and assessed 6.6 out of 10 on IMDB.

3 Come Undone –  At a going interminably assembling of an accomplice, Anna meets with a kindred who is hitched and have two youngsters. They feel the vitality and the glow for each other and start to look all starry peered toward at. By then possibility upon steam. This is a 126-moment film and composed by Silvio Soldini. It was released in 2010 and got 6.2 out of 10 on IMDB.

4 Amour – An octogenarian couple George and Anne both are a surrendered music educator and has a young lady who is in like manner an entertainer. She lives in Britain with her family and one sudden day, Anne had a stroke and the commitment of their warmth gone at a stake. This film was released in 2012 and started with Jean-Louis Trintignant, Emmanuelle Riva. A 127-moment film, facilitated by Michael Haneke. The unstable film got 7.9 out of 10 on IMDB.

5 Unfaithful – A couple from New York was going up against some marriage issues, and it's ended up being more horrible when the spouse included with an untouchable whom she thump in the city. She started meeting with him and made a nearby, genuine sexual relationship with the courteous fellow. One day, the life partner found it out and it's gone a great deal more appalling. It's a 124-moment film by Adrian Lyne and got 6.7 out of 10 on IMDB.

This is the once-over of top notch grown-up movies on IMDB, these films are outrageous and additionally has an uncommon story-line also. However, unmistakably there is a notice for the underage kids, not all sort movies and shows are for them. So people and guards should be aware of this issue, and watch out for them until the point that they are at the correct age for these.

Tags: Top 5 High Rated 18+ Movies, Top 5 High Rated Adult Movies, Top 5 18+ Movies, IMDB Top 5 High Rated 18+ Movies

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